From Dawn Mulligan on 26/11/2007

Gosh, what can I add to all the good stuff and great memories that have already been written? My own I think. I met JC through Teresa. I have fond (if somewhat hazy) memories of being dragged to the Yeoman, mainly on a Sunday to watch him play mein host and the guitar, and felt I took on the role of chaperone to Lady T herself. At the time I wasn't sure that he was the right person for my dear friend, seemed a bit of a bad boy, but in a frightfully lovely way and he did match her in his ability to take the mick! Three o'clock in the morning is a time that sticks in my head...that was the time John would phone T and serenade her, I have listened in on many a rendering of Chris Isaaks Blue Hotel. There is also an episode New Years Eve many moons ago, after a particularly liquid feulled lunch where my surprise return to Teresa's house was a little less than timely, but has given us a giggle over the years. I have been away, caught up in my own life for too long, not staying in touch often enough. When I heard that John was back in Teresa's life I was initially sceptical, but soon found that I had never seen, nor heard Teresa more contented and happy in the 20 years I have known her. They seemed to bring out the best (if either could be better) in each other. Their goodness, kindness, intelligence and quick wit made them a wonderful couple to know and I am so thankful that they found each other again and so terribly sad that they could not have the long life together that they deserved. Jamie, I vaguely remember you as a gangly youth. I now have my own James (not quite at the gangly youth stage, but fast approaching) and I can only imagine how you must be feeling by thinking about how he would feel if I was no longer around and actually that doesn't bear thinking about so my heart goes out to you, but I know from Teresa that you have incredible strength and that your dad will always be with you. My darling T, nothing I can say to you can make this any better, or bring John back, how I wish I could wave a magic wand and fix things for you, if anyone deserved happiness and good luck in their life it's you. I'm just so, so sorry. A final comment. I have JC's CD in the car and JC has become a hero to my James, who never met him, because of his music. Initially 'What the f*** you think you're doing to my life' held his attention (12 year old...honestly!) and then he discovered 'Diamond Geezer.' I think John you truly were a 'Diamond Geezer', the world will be a sadder, quieter place without you, but we'll never forget you x